Get The Gopher v.1.0 Thanks for downloading Get The Gopher. After unzipping the file you should have three files, as follows. GetTheGopher.txt - this file Get_The_Gopher.PDB - the actual Game Gopher.prc - an application launcher PocketC_rt.prc - Pocket C runtime version 3.1 for those of you who don't have it. You need at least PocketC 3.0, to run this game. To install, make sure you have PocketC loaded first, then using your favorite install tool, install the file Get_The_Gopher.PDB. Install Gopher.prc as an application launcher. Not necessary for play. Hints: To get the menubar tap, the title bar. This menu bar will not be brought up by tapping the silkscreen menu button. The game is easier to play on level 1, with 9 gophers. Have fun. Any questions or comments , email me at Check out our website( still under construction)